Could you help grow the group? (And have loads of fun while you’re at it?)

12th Cambridge is one of the largest and most active scout groups in Cambridge and indeed in Cambridgeshire. We have a fantastic programme for young people aged 6-17.

Windsurfing has been just one day out this year.

Windsurfing has been just one day out this year.

We have just one problem….. demand is out stripping supply, especially for our scout troop (10-14 year olds). We currently have 40 scouts, both boys and girls, which is the largest the troop has been in many years. And we have a huge waiting list on top of that! We have reached the point though that we physically can’t fit any more scouts in our main hall at one time. We do though want to continue to grow.

The solution? We want to start a second scout troop to run on a Wednesday evening. And we’re looking for someone to run it! Could that someone be you?

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We’re looking for someone with a sense of humor and a few hours to spare each week. There’s no need for any experience, you will have plenty of support and training, although enjoying being outdoors would be a great advantage.

Scouts will give you the chance to travel, with trips to Canada and The Netherlands in recent years and the opportunity to try everything from gliding to sailing to climbing.

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If you are interest, then please get in touch, we are waiting to hear from you!