New Scout Troop – 9 weeks to go!

It’s 9 weeks today til the 12th Cambridge launches its second Scout Troop!  This is the second of our weekly updates, counting down to the first meeting on Wednesday 15 April.

We’ve already had a number of new Scouts join from the original waiting list, and last week we opened things up to friends of existing Scouts and others locally who are interested in joining.  Some members of the current Thursday night Troop have asked if they can switch to Wednesday, and that’s absolutely fine.  We’d suggest having a chat with Graham first – no offence will be taken, and in fact it would help the running of the current Troop if numbers reduced slightly.

Last week we talked about the Troop camp planned for the end of July.  That’s a general camping event, but we also have some specific activities in the diary, including the chance to take part in the National Scout Archery Competition from Friday 8 to Sunday 10 May.  This is held at a campsite called Phasels Wood (just north of Watford), and is a great opportunity for anyone who’s interested in archery.  As we do have to book places in advance, please reply in the next week or two to ask for more detailed information, if you might be interested.


Outdoors and adventurous activities are key to Scouting, but the programme is wider than that.  It’s split into zones which include community involvement, creative expression and learning about the wider world.  Our weekly meetings cover a mixture of these themes, and are delivered through games, discussions, team activities and more.  As always, you can find out more at

And it’s only 9 weeks til we start seeing it all in action!

Events to look forward to…

  • Archery competition camp: Friday 8 to Sunday 10 May (book by end of February)
  • Troop camp: Friday 10 to Sunday 12 July

More to be released in the coming weeks!