Information for Parents

Dropping off and picking up

Parents should not drive up to the hut to drop off and pick up, it is not safe to have cars manoeuvring on the driveway whilst children are arriving and leaving. Please do not park across the end of driveway when dropping off or picking up. Many of our young  people arrive by bicycle. Turning into the drive from Gilbert Road is difficult enough without there being a car in the way! There is normally plenty of parking available in Courtney Way.

Subs (membership subscriptions)

Subs are due by the second meeting of each term. These are currently £40 per term per beaver/cub/scout. A sizable chunk of your subs goes straight out of the group, as the headquarters membership subscription. This covers insurance for all members as well as a contribution to the running costs of the central organisation. Another chunk goes to the running costs of the group; bills and maintenance for the HQ, occasional new tents for example, and leader training (first aid courses, child protection courses etc). A third part comes back to the section where it goes on badges and books and there’s a small amount left over to pay for bits and pieces – the odd rounders set, and some new felt tip pens for example. Everyone pays subs, including leaders with kids in the group. Please tick the gift aid box, as this is a valuable source of funding to the group. It’s important to note that we’re allowed to reclaim gift aid on subs (membership subscriptions) precisely because they are not buying anything of monetary value to the donor, they are just paying for membership of the organisation. Please don’t use the virgin money site to pay for camps and other trips, as we’re not allowed to claim gift aid on those and it all gets very confusing.