
Cubs is the second section in the scouting family, after beavers and before scouts, and is open to girls and boys from the age of about 8 to 10 1/2 years.

Cubs make a Promise to do their best, to do their duty and to help others. They play games, go on outings and visits, go camping, learn about the outdoors, gain badges and create things.

When we’re not out and about, our Monday Pack meets on Monday Evenings. 6.30-8.00 at the Scout hut on Gilbert Road.

Due to lack of sufficient leaders, our Saturday Pack is currently not meeting. We hope to re-start it in the future, so if you would like to volunteer to help, please get in touch with the Group Scout Leader at !

Here’s some of our latest news:

Mess tentA short camp is no excuse for cutting down on activities, just a reason to cram everything into a shorter time! Nor is winter an excuse to hide away indoors. We succeeded in cramming a large number of outdoor activities into this winter’s camp and absolutely exhausting all the cubs, not to mention the leaders.

We learned about Morse code and semaphore, map reading and compass bearings. We hiked under cover of darkness, including first aid on a broken arm (simulated) and a chance to put newly acquired Morse code skills to use to call for help. We crawled through woods playing wide games in the middle of the night and enjoyed hot chocolate and songs by the campfire, diligently kept burning until the early hours of the morning by Kaa and Kichi (though the cubs went to bed a little earlier).

Washing up

Washing up

Then, in the morning, we practised our compass bearings in order to unlock hidden padlocks. We held a Remembrance Day parade at 11am. And all the while, we consumed large amounts of food. And, of course, there were all the usual camp activities – pitching tents, cooking, washing up, etc.

The cubs, as we usual, were tremendous, good-naturedly mucking in to deal with whatever tasks needed doing throughout the weekend and launching themselves with enthusiasm into all the activities.

See for yourself some of what we got up to (though much of the camp was in darkness, so sadly undocumented):

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