It’s 10 weeks today til the 12th Cambridge launches its second Scout Troop! We’re starting a countdown to this exciting moment, with weekly updates from now until 15 April.
We’ve offered places to all of those already on the waiting list, and we’ve got about ten new Scouts signed up. We’re looking to start the Troop with around double that number, though, so we’re now opening things up to friends of existing Scouts and others locally who are interested in joining. Anyone who’s wants to find out more is welcome to drop an email through to
Those Scouts who do join the new Troop have a busy summer to look forward to! There are lots of events planned, one of which is a weekend camp from Friday 10 to Sunday 12 July, joint with the existing Thursday night Troop. We’re still sorting out all the details, but it’ll be a great chance for new and old Scouts to spend a couple of nights under canvas, learn camping skills, tackle some adventurous activities, and generally have fun outdoors!
That’s one of the basic ideas of Scouting – everyday adventure. We want to offer young people the chance to try new activities, to learn different skills, and to gain confidence. By working in small teams and taking on personal challenges, Scouts can benefit experiences quite different from formal education and other leisure activities. You can find out more about Scouting at
So, if everyday adventure sounds appealing, getting involved with the new Wednesday night Troop at the 12th Cambridge could be for you – whether as a Scout or as a leader. Do get in touch!