The Cub pack headed to Thetford Forest this year for their Autumn camp. The whole thing was guided by our founder, Lord Baden-Powell, drawing on his Wolf Cub’s Handbook.
Let’s let him take us through some of the cubs’ activities this weekend in his own words…
Every Scout aims at being a good camper, because you can’t be a backwoodsman or a pioneer unless you can look after yourself in all weathers in the open.
Now that we’ve packed our kit let’s be off, shall we? Before you go, and the whole time you are away, say to yourself, “I am going to make this the jolliest camp there ever was FOR THE OTHER CUBS.”
And when you are in camp remember that as you are there to have a splendid time you must keep in mind the Cubs’ patent dodge for making themselves happy – that of helping other people and particularly Akela.
There are lots of ways in which a tenderfoot suffers in camp. But there is no roughing it for an Old Scout; he knows how to make himself quite comfortable.
In order to be a good Cub a fellow must know how to lay and light a fire.
Every Cub must be able to tie knots properly.
What duffers ordinary boys are at tying knots! They make a sort of tangle of string or rope, which probably they can never undo again! That would never do for a sailor or for a bridge builder.
Knots are quite easy to learn, and as soon as you know them you can teach other people how to make them.
Young wolves learn to look after themselves in the wild. They learn to watch birds and animals day by day so as to learn their habits, just as a boy Wolf Cub does. But the boy’s object is to know more about them, and to take a friendly interest in their doings.
Now tracking and stalking are fine things to do, but if you are to be a good tracker you want a great deal of practice and training.
Texts and images from The Wolf Cub’s Handbook, Lord Baden-Powell (15th Edition)
More photos of the camp
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