Day 15….. After over two weeks with our friends across the Atlantic it finally came to an end, an expedition that was nearly two years in the planning. It was time to say a sad, and for some (you know who you are) a tearful farewell to knew friends, and in some cases old friends from 2015 and 2013! Two weeks that were a lot of fun and a lot of hard work but thoroughly worth it.
While it was time for a few tears it was also time for some huge thanks as well. We simply wouldn’t have been able to run a trip like this without a friends at 12th Cambridge Scout Group in Ontario. They did an awful lot of work both to get it organised in the first place, hosting us and holding some hands as we headed into country that we simply don’t have here in the UK. So thank you to all the families who hosted us and the leaders who guided us. In particular Katie Havens, Group Commissioner and Shelley Dyet Scout Leader.
It was a time to reflect as well.
As scouts we have the honor of being part of a world wide movement, 40 million young (and some not so young!) people across nearly every country on the planet. It is not often that we get to spend so long in the company of those who are from so far away. To have that opportunity is something we are genuinely blessed with. Long may it continue.
On arrival home after nearly 20 hours travelling there were some very grateful (or not so grateful? 🙂 ) parents waiting for our band of travellers. We would like to thank parents as well for all their help with the planning, the fund raising and simply being willing to send their sons and daughters away with us into bear country.
Only one thing left to say….. the Canadians are planning on heading this way in 2019, they’ve asked us to show them a bit of Scotland….. so see you there?