As the world begins to open up 16 scouts from Raptor troop took part in what has been the first district event for a year and a half! The district target sports day saw scouts compete against scouts from 1st, 11th/9th, 16th, 27th, 29th, 44th, and 57th Cambridge scout troops in air rifle shooting, archery and something brand new to most of us, the hair raising activity of axe throwing!

Competition was feirce as scouts competed to master the techniques and get on target under the watchful eye of the instructors. Axe throwing took some careful mastering however the scouts were soon getting to grips two different types and were busy burying them into the targets

It was archery though that proved the biggest hit as one of our scouts scored an unbeated 44 with 6 arrows, something even the instructors failed to beat!