An aurorasome time!

12th Cambridge & Woodsmoke Explorers fielded 26 archers at the National  Scouts Archery Competition 2024.

The event, held at Phasels Wood, consisted of 3 types of archery – Target, Field (in the woods) and Clout.

As well as great archery, beautiful weather and a lovely relaxed weekend, those who were awake late enough on the Friday night were treated to a spectacular aurora display.

Well done to all our archers, including our silver medal-winner! We are also proud of our team of four who bravely lost out in the first round to a very experienced team, but managed to win one ‘end’ of the three!

Thirsty work

A great effort by our young volunteers, supporting Muscular Dystrophy UK.

12th Scouts & Woodsmoke Explorers ran the water station at the Cambridge Town & Gown 10k 2021 on 16th October.  The running race, a charity event raising money for Muscular Dystrophy, had around 1500 thirsty runners.

Fourteen of our young people and a couple of leaders set their alarms early on a chilly Saturday morning to come and help set everything up, give the runners their water, and generally cheer the competitors on.

Spurred on by a warmup workout led by Emma and demolishing an enormous quantity of snacks from the GSL, the scouts were praised by the event organisers.

Well done, all!

Banging Brilliant Fireworks

Our annual firework party was a brilliant display of Fireworks, watched by around two hundred people marvelling at the fantastic flourish made by the 30kg of fireworks that included spectacular Catherine wheels.

Thanks to all our volunteers who made the food, such a big success. 400 sausages; 10kg of onions, 18 bottles of mulled wine and 400 pieces of tray bake all disappeared in record time!


District Archery Day 2018


12th Cambridge was pleased once again to host the District Archery Competition on Saturday 10th November.

Slightly later in the season than usual, the competition was well attended, by record numbers of Cubs amongst others, who braved the chilly (and, later, torrential) conditions.

Expertly guided by Tom Hartley, our District Archery Coordinator, the day was a great mix of competition and introduction to archery for many.

The format of the competition was 3 ends of 5 arrows each, with Cubs shooting from 10 metres and Scouts/Explorers/Adults shooting from 20 yards.

Individual Competitions

Robin Sills of 12th Cambridge won the Cubs competition with a superb score of 116.  This also qualifies him for the White Arrow award (115+ from 10m/15 arrows). Stanley Howard of 11th & 9th Cambridge won the Scouts competition with a score of 100, and Jude Watts of 12th Cambridge won the Explorers competition (scoring 91).

Team Competitions

The best three individual scores for each team in each category were counted.  For the first time, 12th Cambridge took a clean sweep amongst the young people, winning the hotly-contested Cubs Team competition, along with Scouts & Explorers titles. In the Adults category, 28th were victorious.

Full results (every arrow scored) available here:

District Archery Comp 2018 results published

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who competed, set up, scored every arrow shot, made teas & coffees, and helped with the clear up.  Special thanks to Tom Hartley (our Range Master who battled through his headache), Meghan Bird (who sat all day in the cold and entered almost every score into the computer), and the whole of the contingent from the 50th (who got unlucky with the weather and endured a soaking, complete with thunder & lightning, with good humour).


Sparkles & Bangers 2018

Excitement and warmth as the nights draw in!  The 12th Cambridge annual firework display is coming soon.

Come along, bring friends & family, and enjoy hot dogs, soup, mulled wine and the best fireworks this side of Midsummer Common!

Saturday 3rd November

Party 6pm on

Location: 12th Cambridge HQ

Fireworks @ 7pm

Free entry*

You are welcome to bring sparklers – PLEASE follow this safety advice and do not drop them on the field (use the bins provided).

Please RSVP using OSM via the link at the bottom of the invitation email sent to all members.

We request as many volunteers as possible to help with:

  • setting up from 4pm
  • serving food during the event
  • a debris sweep of the field (Sunday morning, 10am on), so that we leave no trace!

…. so let us know what you can do to help.

*The scouts will be shaking collection buckets at the end, so please donate generously!


Summer Sun….

This year’s summer camp was a piece of history for 12th Cambridge, with both cub packs and both scout troops camping together for the first time! A contingent totalling 56 people made their way to Gradbach in the Peak District for a full on week of adventure. It included caving, rock climbing, hiking and, for the scouts, a trip to Alton Towers. And some epic pioneering where the scouts created a quite lethal looking trebuche…..

YouTube player

It’s a scorcher! Summer party time is here…



The super summer just keeps on giving!  This can only mean one thing: it’s time for the summer party.

Mon 23rd July, 6pm at the hut

AGM at 6.45pm.  We seek some new Executive Committee members: this could be you! Please consider putting your name forward.

Fundraising auction at 7.30pm – please bring your wallets! We have some superb lots to bid for. Raising funds to build new, accessible toilets at the hut.  Full details here.

Food & fun all provided

RSVP with numbers & dietary requirements to

About the AGM

The Annual General Meeting is an important meeting of the Group.  Accounts are presented, Executive Committee Members are elected.  Although formal, the AGM will be kept very short so that we may continue the party! Your attendance is requested.

Download the agenda here: 2018 AGM Notice and Agenda