Scouts is the third section in the scouting family and is for boys and girls aged 10-14. It comes after cubs and before Explorers.
Our scouts meet as two separate troops at the Group HQ. Both troops meet between 7:30 and 9. “Wildcat” troop meet on a Wednesday, “Raptor” troop on a Thursday.
Plus of course both troops have plenty of weekend camps and trips out mostly together. Recent trips have included white water canoeing, a weekend climbing in the Peak District and mountain biking in Thetford Forest.
A typical evening could include anything from wide games to cook offs to falconry to first aid training. Having once even run a fashion show there’s not much we won’t have a try at!
Here are some of the things we’ve done recently:
After 18 months of not being able to camp due to the covid pandemic scouts from Raptor troop made a welcome return to nights under canvas with a summer weekend at one of our regular haunts of Thriftwood.
A weekend of fires and wide games, archery and kayaking, as our scouts got back into the swing of living outdoors.
A spectacular lightening display on Saturday night added a sense of peril to proceedings and despite it being accompanied by a torential the scouts showed their fire lighting prowess with Sunday lunch cooked on fires including a one match wonder from one of our patrols 🙂
Looking forward to more camps!
A warm summer’s evening in July, and with us now alowed to get out and about a bit more what could be better than a few hours paddling on the MCP lakes? It was also the perfect evening to invest two of our new recruits. Welcome to the troop 🙂
As the world begins to open up 16 scouts from Raptor troop took part in what has been the first district event for a year and a half! The district target sports day saw scouts compete against scouts from 1st, 11th/9th, 16th, 27th, 29th, 44th, and 57th Cambridge scout troops in air rifle shooting, archery and something brand new to most of us, the hair raising activity of axe throwing!

Competition was feirce as scouts competed to master the techniques and get on target under the watchful eye of the instructors. Axe throwing took some careful mastering however the scouts were soon getting to grips two different types and were busy burying them into the targets

It was archery though that proved the biggest hit as one of our scouts scored an unbeated 44 with 6 arrows, something even the instructors failed to beat!

Back in January a gang of scouts and explorers from 12th Cambridge joined nearly 3000 others from around the country for the annual mudbath that is winter camp! From rock climbing to tank driving here are the highlights 🙂