
Scouts is the third section in the scouting family and is for boys and girls aged 10-14. It comes after cubs and before Explorers.

Our scouts meet as two separate troops at the Group HQ.  Both troops meet between 7:30 and 9.  “Wildcat” troop meet on a Wednesday, “Raptor” troop on a Thursday.

Plus of course both troops have plenty of weekend camps and trips out mostly together. Recent trips have included white water canoeing, a weekend climbing in the Peak District and mountain biking in Thetford Forest.

A typical evening could include anything from wide games to cook offs to falconry to first aid training. Having once even run a fashion show there’s not much we won’t have a try at!

Here are some of the things we’ve done recently:

Early in January scouts from both troops blew off some of the Christmas cobwebs with the annual trip to Gilwell for Winter Camp.

Winter Camp is a national event over two sites, Gilwell Park in Epping Forrest and Hawkhirst in Northumberland. Thousands of scouts and explorers gather for a weekend of everything from tank driving to being a stunt man! Yes we’re quite serious… while the more traditional scout acivities of climbing and pioneering were much in evidence our scouts also got to drive tanks and throw themselves off tall towers as they trained to be stunt scouts 🙂

We’ll be back next year but in the mean time here are the photos…

2018 has been yet another busy year for both scout troops, from the mud of winter camp to sailing in Norfolk, the snows of the Scottish mountains to the white knuckles of Alton Towers. Here’s the highlights!

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Back in November scouts from both troop spent a weekend at one of our regular haunts, Tolmers campsite in Hertfordshire for no better reason than a weekend out doors! A bit of climbing, a bit of campsite service and, just for fun some bungee running. Here’s all the photos, enjoy 🙂

On a blisteringly hot weekend in July the scouts of Raptor troop headed to Tolmers in Hertfordshire for a patrol camping weekend. Although accompanied by 3 of our adult leaders the scouts were left to it, to plan and run the camp themselves while our volunteers watched from as far away as possible. The scouts were a fantastic credit to themselves and the troop and are now looking at organising camps with no accompanying leaders at all.

Watch this space!

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