Scouts is the third section in the scouting family and is for boys and girls aged 10-14. It comes after cubs and before Explorers.
Our scouts meet as two separate troops at the Group HQ. Both troops meet between 7:30 and 9. “Wildcat” troop meet on a Wednesday, “Raptor” troop on a Thursday.
Plus of course both troops have plenty of weekend camps and trips out mostly together. Recent trips have included white water canoeing, a weekend climbing in the Peak District and mountain biking in Thetford Forest.
A typical evening could include anything from wide games to cook offs to falconry to first aid training. Having once even run a fashion show there’s not much we won’t have a try at!
Here are some of the things we’ve done recently:
Whether it was navigating in poor visibility, digging snow holes as shelters or getting to grips with ice axes the scouts took basic hiking skills and developed them into those of mountaineers! This was set in the majestic scenery of the Scottish Highlands which the scouts got to see in all their moods from glorious spring sunshine to steady winter snow.
The highlight of the week was its climax with a 3 day, 2 night hike camp wild in the mountains, high above the snow line, some camping on Ben Vorlich and some at Meal Nan Tarmachan
A huge thank you must go to all the instructors and staff at Lochearnhead and Herts Scouts for hosting our contingent for the week. We’ll be back next year 🙂
A tough weekend where all the scouts, including 3 who had only been with us for a few weeks, really showed what they could do!