Please help to make the HQ sound better by coming to a work weekend on 8th and 9th February.
If you have ever tried to hold a conversation in our hall, you will know that it can be difficult. The echo is so strong that hearing anything is a challenge. Now, imagine what it sounds like with 20 excited Cubs running around.
Fortunately, we have a plan! We will build some sound-absorbing panels and mount them on the walls and ceiling. This will massively reduce the echo and make the hall a much more pleasant place.
We aim to build around 35 panels, each one consisting of a wooden frame and a sheet of rockwool insulation, covered in fire-retardant fabric. The design is simple and easy to construct, but the effect will be massive.
The production will need people to cut, glue, staple, assemble, cover, drill, climb, hang and applaud. It is likely that any Scouts who fancy using some tools to do something worthwhile will receive credit towards a badge or two. And it should be fun for parents too!
If you can come along and help on either the 8th or 9th, please pop an email to Colin.