New Scout Troop – 7 weeks to go

It’s 7 weeks today til the 12th Cambridge launches its second Scout Troop!

As leaders, there are lots of fun and exciting things involved in planning for the new Troop.  There are also some more routine ones, like the basic admin.  As with any membership organisation, it’s important we hold the right information – things like contact details, medical needs, and so on.  There’s a standard information form which all new members need to complete, and which has been sent to those looking to join the new Troop.  We’re hoping these can be returned sooner rather than later!

One event that requires quite a bit of admin but is definitely worth it is Summer Camp.  This year, we’re hosting Scouts from Canada, as part of our twinning arrangement.  That adds another dimension to what’s already a great event – camping for almost a week means that we can do more activities, have more fun, and still be more relaxed J  There’ll be more information in the coming months, but do mark the dates in your diary now – it’s from 18 to 24 August.


The first three countdown emails have explained about what Scouts do – the programme zones, the badges, and the idea of everyday adventure.  How Scouting works is just as important, though.  The patrol system started on the very first Scout camp, back in 1907, and today it still offers a really important way for Scouts across the 10 to 14 age range to work together in a way that doesn’t happen in schools and many other settings.  There are opportunities to learn and develop leadership skills as (Assistant) Patrol Leaders, and team working is really emphasised.

When the new Troop launches in 7 weeks time, we’ll take the first few weeks to settle in, but then setting up permanent patrols and appointing the Patrol Leaders will be a big milestone at the end of the first half-term.

Events to look forward to…

  • Archery competition camp: Friday 8 to Sunday 10 May (book by end of February)
  • Sun Run (night hike): Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 June
  • Troop camp: Friday 10 to Sunday 12 July
  • Summer Camp: Tuesday 18 to Monday 24 August
  • More to be released in the coming weeks!