It’s 6 weeks today til the 12th Cambridge launches its second Scout Troop!
In last week’s update, we mentioned some of the admin that we need to do before the new Troop starts. Thanks very much to those who’ve already returned the information form, and just to confirm that Scouts who are transferring from the Thursday night Troop don’t need to complete another one.
We’re now starting on the fun part of the planning – actually getting the programme sorted out! The date of our first leaders meeting is being set for mid-March, and that’ll be when we sort out the games, activities, challenges and skills sessions that will be included in each weekly meeting. Once things are up and running properly, the Scouts will all get the chance to contribute their ideas when we do planning for future terms.
We talked about patrols last week, and one thing that will definitely be on the agenda in the first few weeks is to decide patrol names. Normally these are themed around animals, birds, etc – although they don’t have to be. Once we’ve got that sorted, we’ll also need a name for the Troop – something a bit more original than “12th Cambridge (Wednesdays)”! Hopefully we’ll have plenty of creative Scouts in the Troop.
There are still a number of spaces available on Wednesdays, so please do pass the information out to friends, or through schools and other groups. Anyone who’s interested can get in touch with us at