Politicians put through their paces

With the General Election quickly approaching the troop’s Patrol Leaders, our senior 13 and 14 year old scouts, decided that they wanted to have a night themed on it and decided to invite the candidates for the Cambridge seat at May’s election to an evening to be grilled by the troop in a “Question Time” style event.

We were joined for the evening by Valerie Holt, campaigned for Liberal Democrat candidate Julian Huppert, Labour candidate Daniel Zeichner, Green Party Councillor Oscar Gillespie and UKIP candidate for South East Cambs Deborah Rennie.


Just like on the tv show none of the candidates knew any of the questions in advance and some were clearly surprised by the nature of some of them which varied between the voting age, use of cycle helmets, GCSE grade inflation and immigration. UKIP’s Deborah Rennie said “I was really impressed with the questions” and Labour’s Daniel Zeichner said ” it was actually the most interesting event we have done so far, because the audience was a much more genuine cross-section. I was very impressed by the young people”

They were clearly not the only ones to enjoy it as one scout called it “the best night I’ve had at scouts this year”, it looks like we may have now got some budding politicians in the making. The event also got coverage from the local press

The group would like to thank all those who gave up their time for the group in what is a very busy time in the run up to the election.

Cubs back in the day

So while reorganising a load of our archives we came across a huge number of photos showing what our cubs got up to between 2006 and 2009. It includes what we got up to in the scouts centenary year in 2007, a really special time to have been involved 🙂


Many of those featured are now explorer scouts or even leaders now. We’ve put them all in the gallery now here. Enjoy!

New Scout Troop – 4 weeks to go!

It’s 4 weeks today til the 12th Cambridge launches its second Scout Troop!

We talked last week about what normally happens during meetings, including games, team activities, learning skills, etc.  As we’ll be a new Troop, however, the first few weeks will include a few special introductory activities, helping Scouts to get ready for their investiture.  This is the short ceremony when they officially join the Troop, and we’d expect to run a big investiture around half term.  We’ll try to find somewhere unusual for it – maybe up a climbing wall, or in a swimming pool! – and Scouts are welcome to suggest ideas for this!

Making the Scout Promise is one of the main parts of getting invested – it’s our commitment to acting in a certain way during Scout activities, and in fact throughout life.  The core Promise is as follows;

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God, and to the Queen, to help other people, and to keep the Scout Law.

There are alternative versions of the Promise for those different faiths and nationalities.  The Scout Law sets out seven values, including trust, loyalty and respect.  You can find out more about both the Promise and Law at www.scouts.org.uk

and one new Cub

and one new Cub

Events to look forward to…

  • Archery competition camp: Friday 8 to Sunday 10 May
  • Sun Run (night hike): Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 June
  • Troop camp: Friday 10 to Sunday 12 July
  • Summer Camp: Tuesday 18 to Monday 24 August

New Scout Troop – 5 weeks to go!

It’s 5 weeks today til the 12th Cambridge launches its second Scout Troop!

We said last week that the leaders are beginning to plan out the weekly programmes – but what does a typical Scout meeting look like?  There’s normally a formal start and end to each meeting, when we break or lower the flag.  Each only lasts a couple of minutes, but it’s a chance to present badges, invest new members, and give out notices.  Scouts and leaders will generally be expected to wear uniform – you can find examples of this on the Scout Shops website.

During the middle part of the meeting, there might be a chance to learn new skills – things like first aid, or how to use expedition stoves.  Navigation, pioneering, and the safe use of axes and saws are just some of the others.  As far numbers allow, Scouts will get the chance to try things out in small groups, with leaders supervising.


There are normally also one or two games each evening – cornerball, cat and mouse, and poison ivy are just some of the games that will become familiar to Scouts.  They’re a chance to wear off energy, work together in teams, and just have fun!

It’s not long now til the Scouts joining the new Wednesday Troop will get a chance to experience their first meeting!

Events to look forward to…

  • Archery competition camp: Friday 8 to Sunday 10 May
  • Sun Run (night hike): Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 June
  • Troop camp: Friday 10 to Sunday 12 July
  • Summer Camp: Tuesday 18 to Monday 24 August
  • More to be released in the coming weeks!

New Scout Troop – 6 weeks to go!

It’s 6 weeks today til the 12th Cambridge launches its second Scout Troop!

In last week’s update, we mentioned some of the admin that we need to do before the new Troop starts.  Thanks very much to those who’ve already returned the information form, and just to confirm that Scouts who are transferring from the Thursday night Troop don’t need to complete another one.

We’re now starting on the fun part of the planning – actually getting the programme sorted out!  The date of our first leaders meeting is being set for mid-March, and that’ll be when we sort out the games, activities, challenges and skills sessions that will be included in each weekly meeting.  Once things are up and running properly, the Scouts will all get the chance to contribute their ideas when we do planning for future terms.


We talked about patrols last week, and one thing that will definitely be on the agenda in the first few weeks is to decide patrol names.  Normally these are themed around animals, birds, etc – although they don’t have to be.  Once we’ve got that sorted, we’ll also need a name for the Troop – something a bit more original than “12th Cambridge (Wednesdays)”!  Hopefully we’ll have plenty of creative Scouts in the Troop.

There are still a number of spaces available on Wednesdays, so please do pass the information out to friends, or through schools and other groups.  Anyone who’s interested can get in touch with us at newtroop@12thcambridge.org.uk