A week in the woods

This year for summer camp scouts from both Raptor and Wildcat troops spent a week in the woods in Sussex for summer camp. Broadstone Warren is the country’s largest scout campsite, set in the middle of Ashdown Forest and close to the home of Winnie The Poo.

Day 1 saw the troop terrorise the public transport system on route to Sussex before setting themselves up in a woodland clearing at Broadstone


Day 2 and things started to get properly fun! First with the construction of bivouacs for the following night and then, in a challenge set by our Canadian friends, building cardboard canoes for sailing along side rafts that afternoon.

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The quality of the rafts was….er….. variable…. sparking rumors that it may have descended into an impromptu swimming session. Something we hotly deny 🙂

Day 3 and it got a little bit white knuckle as we hit the high ropes before assisting the site staff in the afternoon keep the rhododendrons under control. Broadstone is a site of Special Scientific Interest due to its incredible biodiversity. The rhododendrons are an invasive species, preventing the growth of native species of trees and shrubs.

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Day 4…. dawned wet and soggy. A perfect day to head for the coast! In true British fashion the scouts braved the weather to take in the Sea Life centre, consume vast quantities of fish and chips and of course lose all their money on the pier. What more would you want from the seaside?

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Day 5… Back to site activities in the morning as the scouts learned to walk on water and shoot like Robin Hood. Afternoon saw them split into those earning their meteorology badge and those geocaching.

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Day 6….. and we left site again. This time to hike around the local area and of course find Poo Sticks Bridge! And there fierce competition broke out as the scouts stripped the local area of every twig they could find. The return leg of the hike saw the return of some er…. weather! And it all got a little bit soggy….

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Day 7….. and after a night sleeping under the stars it was time to go home! Once again the public transport system was invaded prompting a couple of passengers on a bus to move due to the smell of camp fire coming off everyone!

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A  massive well done to all the scouts and explorer who went, AK, Alex P, Will, Jonnie, Biba, Izzy, Eleanor H, Eleanor V, Ebba, Teilo, Adam, Dan, Alex B, Jamie, Rosie, Jenny, Harry, Lucas and Kitty. And inparticular Ebba, our scout of the camp for 100% enthusiasm for absolutely everything 🙂

We have taken hundreds of photos of the camp and you can find them all here. The Summer Camp Diaries movie is now in production. Watch this space!