Yes , it’s party time again….put the date in your diary, stick your shades on and head to the hut for some fun!
Monday 17th July
6pm onwards
7pm AGM
Food provided!
All welcome – bring family & friends, a bottle, some snacks/pudding and (if you dare) a water pistol.
RSVP with numbers/dietary requests to
About the AGM
The Annual General Meeting (notice and last year’s minutes attached below) is a short, formal part of the evening and is an important event for 12th Cambridge. It is an opportunity for all members to find out about how the Group is doing and to thank those people who enable our young people to thrive through scouting. The 2017/18 Executive Committee members will be elected at the AGM.
We need YOU….NOW!
12th Cambridge has some important decisions to make in the near future, concerning the running of the Group, the scout hut and fundraising. Operating behind the scenes, the Committee is vital to the existence and smooth running of the Group now and for the future. We need new Committee members to act as charity trustees and make the decisions, run events and make plans!
In particular:
– our Chairman is moving away, so we need to find another Chair. Responsible for the running of the committee. More details about the role here.
– we also need to replace other departing Executive Committee Members. More details here.
The Committee meets only once per half-term and organising things can be done when you choose, so the time commitment is not great.
So, if don’t have the inclination to become a Leader or Section Assistant with the Group, please put your name forward to join our Exec committee, and give us a call – we’re always happy to chat about the role in a bit more detail. Of course, if you have even the remotest inclination to be a Leader instead, please do let the GSL know!
Let’s be clear: as a Group, we only exist with the support and commitment of parents and other volunteers. Without a strong committee, the Group (and hence the development of your young people through scouting), WILL be affected. This is not the time to stand back and assume that “someone else will do it”!