Yes, great weather has been booked for our summer party!
Thursday 21st July, 6pm onwards – all welcome!
Yes, great weather has been booked for our summer party!
Thursday 21st July, 6pm onwards – all welcome!
12th Cambridge Scouts are proud to support the Maggie’s Wallace Christmas Concert, to be held at the Wesley Church, Christ Pieces on Saturday 5th December. The concert, featuring Christmas carols and well-known Barbershop songs, starts at 7.00pm. Our scouts will be helping to serve mince pies and mulled wine to help the audience warm up.
For more information about the event, and to book tickets (priced at £7.50), please visit:
Maggie’s Centres provide emotional, practical and social support to people with cancer and their families & friends. The concert is a fundraiser to help Maggie’s continue with this wonderful work.
To find out more about Maggie’s, click on the logo below!
A very special message for our Jamboree contingent in Japan from No.10…..
In the early hours of Friday morning 5 of the group’s young leaders, AK, Charlie, Lucy, Nick and Martha will be setting off to Japan for the trip of a life time, to take part in the 23rd World Scout Jamboree. For two weeks they will live with more than 30,000 other scouts from 162 different countries, from every continent and corner of the planet.
Jamborees take place every 4 years and are a unique opportunity for young people from around the world to meet others from every other culture, religion and country. One of the two units our scouts are allocated to will be surrounded by units from Lebanon, Denmark, Japan, Brazil and Switzerland. You don’t get much more mixed up than that!
Arriving late on Friday our intrepid 5 will spend 3 days n Tokyo before moving onto the Jamboree itself which kicks off on 28 July with a packed program to include everything from sailing to global development with a central theme of peace, as Japan and the World remember the events of 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And if that wasn’t enough they will then spend 4 days with a Japanese family as part of the home hospitality program
You can keep up with the adventures of AK and Martha via their unit’s Facebook page here and Charlie, Lucy and Nick via their unit’s page here and Twitter feed here
This is the adventure of a life time and we’ll be telling you all about their adventures when they get back 🙂
Yes, it’s July. It’s HOT! And it’s party time!!!!!
After a busy scouting year, the committee and leaders of 12th Cambridge invite all members, friends and family to our Summer Party 2015 on 20 July, 6pm on.
With catering by our very own professionals and fun & games organised by our scouters, this is the event not to be missed!
FREE entry*, just RSVP to (*but donations via our Virgin site are welcome at any time!)
Calling all Facebook fans: 12th Cambridge now has a presence!
Please check out, Like and Follow our page at for all the news from 12th Cambridge.
Also, just for our parents and other adults:
We have created a private group, for all discussions about scouting. Check out We look forward to some lively posting there!
Not a facebook user? We’ll continue to post news right here on our website at All ideas for this site are welcome!
12th Cambridge is one of the largest and most active scout groups in Cambridge and indeed in Cambridgeshire. We have a fantastic programme for young people aged 6-17.
We have just one problem….. demand is out stripping supply, especially for our scout troop (10-14 year olds). We currently have 40 scouts, both boys and girls, which is the largest the troop has been in many years. And we have a huge waiting list on top of that! We have reached the point though that we physically can’t fit any more scouts in our main hall at one time. We do though want to continue to grow.
The solution? We want to start a second scout troop to run on a Wednesday evening. And we’re looking for someone to run it! Could that someone be you?
We’re looking for someone with a sense of humor and a few hours to spare each week. There’s no need for any experience, you will have plenty of support and training, although enjoying being outdoors would be a great advantage.
Scouts will give you the chance to travel, with trips to Canada and The Netherlands in recent years and the opportunity to try everything from gliding to sailing to climbing.
If you are interest, then please get in touch, we are waiting to hear from you!
Anna-Katrine, (AK) one of our Young Leader Explorer Scouts with the scout troop is right now trying to raise the funds to take part in the 2015 World Scout Jamboree in Japan. And to do so she has a couple of businesses up and running…..
To pay her way she is willing to sew badges onto uniforms, camp fire blankets or anything else.
So Is your son or daughter an eager beaver, keen cub or super scout? Got a whole ton of badges to sew on and not enough time to do it? Then let AK come to the rescue!
Charges are £1 per badge or £2 for 3. Plus and extra 10p if a badge needs moving from its original place…..
If you want to make use of her services please bring the uniform, badges and money in a sealed envelope to scouts on a Thursday night and AK will do the rest!
(The photo is of three very proud cubs showing off their newly awarded Chief Scouts Silver Awards, the highest award in cub scouting, at the final meeting of the year – the water fight! Well done!).
On top of that…… AK’s jamboree unit are selling unit and UK contingent blanket badges plus unit neckers, photographed below.
Badges are £2 each and neckers £10.
If you would like to order any of these please email AK via the troop email address,