Happy Founder’s Day! (And happy Thinking Day to our friends in Girl Guides)
Today is the day that scouts and guides across the world celebrate what would have been the birthday of our founder Lord Robert Baden Powell. In the early 1900s he was a complete maverick and his idea that young people were of real worth, that they worth developing and could be capable of serving their community was in complete contrast to the attitudes of the time when its was said that “children should be seen and not heard”.
Today the Scout Association is remembering BP with the theme of My Scout Hero where scouts are remembering the people in scouting who most influenced them with lots going on across youtube, twitter and the rest of the internet

Right now as a group we are looking to recruit new adults, in particular with our cubs and beavers. Heroes come in many shapes and sizes and it can be the most unlikely people who are capable of being someone’s hero, sometimes for doing the smallest of things, teaching them to light a fire or taking them on their first night away from their parents. You certainly don’t need to be superman to do it!
If you want to be someone’s hero then please get in touch. You don’t need experience or qualifications, just a sense of humor and few hours to spare each week.
So what are you waiting for? We’d love to hear from you……