Summer Party!

sunshine wide

Summer is here, and after a great year of Scouting, it is time for a party, and YOU are invited!

When?  Wednesday 23rd July, 6pm onwards

Where? 12th Cambridge HQ, 40A Gilbert Road, Cambridge CB4 3PE

Who is invited?  Everyone is welcome, including all young members and their families, young leaders, leaders, adult helpers and supporters of 12th Cambridge.

What’s happening?  Food and soft drink will be provided. Adults are welcome to bring a bottle of something stronger!

6pm onwards: Food & drink will be served!

Games on the field, organised by our leaders. A chance for siblings (and parents!) to take part in some of the activities that we enjoy in scouting!

7.15pm AGM & highlights of the year from our young members

Afterwards, more fun, food and drink.

AGM – what’s that?

Annual General Meeting – it is a formal annual meeting of the whole Group, where we elect members of the committee, approve accounts etc. It will be very short! The Group only runs due to the efforts of volunteers. We are very keen to find new executive committee volunteers, including parent ‘reps’ from each section (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts), fundraisers, and a Quartermaster. Being on the exec committee is a chance to put something back into the Group, have your say in how it is run and help provide our young people with amazing scouting experiences. If you would consider a role, then now is the time – please get in touch for a chat before the AGM!


It would be helpful if you would let us know your numbers of adults & children attending, to get a rough idea for catering! Please email us if you’re coming:

If you would like to help set up or contribute a salad or perhaps a dessert on the day, then these would be most welcome!


Group celebrates St George in style

With spring well and truly upon us and St George’s day burning a hole in the diary the group celebrated in style with a camp including 45 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers at Tolmers in Hertfordshire.

Rafts under construction

Rafts under construction


All at sea, scouts take to the water in hand made rafts.

All at sea, scouts take to the water in hand made rafts.

The camp had a back to basics theme for the program with all ages learning new or improved old skills including first aid, pioneering, (where some fantastic rafts and bridges were built), navigation and the use of axes and saws. This culminated in the explorers felling a tree for the scouts to use as fire wood later!

Cubs cross a "friction bridge"

Cubs cross a “friction bridge”

They built it themselves as well!

They built it themselves as well!

For many of the Beavers it was the first time they had slept in a tent and certainly the first time that it was a tent they had put up themselves! Some of the scouts and explorers may want to take note of the speed they put them up as well 🙂


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A fantastic weekend hopefully to be repeated this time next year!

Young Life Savers

While most teenagers were enjoying their Sunday lie in last weekend the group’s young leaders were being trained in the art of advanced first aid.

Young Leaders are Explorer Scouts (14-18 year olds) who volunteer to effectively become apprentice adult leaders with Beavers, Cubs or Scouts and are our next generation of leaders. The first aid course is just one part of their training and equips them to deal with a broad range of emergencies including major bleeds, choking, loss of consciousness and CPR/mouth to mouth.


The course gives YLs a recognised Red Cross qualification and the skills and ability to cope with any emergency they might encounter.

Any 14-17 year olds interested in getting involved with the Young Leader programme should contact the Group Scout Leader Colin Sills.

Could you be someone’s hero?

Happy Founder’s Day! (And happy Thinking Day to our friends in Girl Guides)

Today is the day that scouts and guides across the world celebrate what would have been the birthday of our founder Lord Robert Baden Powell. In the early 1900s he was a complete maverick and his idea that young people were of real worth, that they worth developing and could be capable of serving their community was in complete contrast to the attitudes of the time when its was said that “children should be seen and not heard”.


Today the Scout Association is remembering BP with the theme of My Scout Hero where scouts are remembering the people in scouting who most influenced them with lots going on across youtube, twitter and the rest of the internet

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Right now as a group we are looking to recruit new adults, in particular with our cubs and beavers. Heroes come in many shapes and sizes and it can be the most unlikely people who are capable of being someone’s hero, sometimes for doing the smallest of things, teaching them to light a fire or taking them on their first night away from their parents. You certainly don’t need to be superman to do it!

If you want to be someone’s hero then please get in touch. You don’t need experience or qualifications, just a sense of humor and few hours to spare each week.

So what are you waiting for? We’d love to hear from you……

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In the hut, nobody can hear you scream…

Well that’s not quite true. However, you might now be able to talk without having to shout!



The weekend of the 8th & 9th February saw some great team-work in the HQ.  Volunteers young and old assembled early in the morning to set up a factory producing sound-absorbing panels.




The team sawed, glued, stapled, drilled and drank tea all day.  The GSL handed out biscuits and tried in vain to remove glue from his hands.



finshed goods


Finally, the Quartermaster had a stock of 40 padded panels ready for mounting.




hope that B-P and HM approve!



Sunday saw deployment of the scaffold tower, drills, screwdrivers and long-forgotten knot-tying skills.  Slowly, the echoeyness diminished until you could actually hear your own blood pumping (according to our Group Secretary).


Thank you to all our volunteers: John, Rob, Michael, Roger, Eliane, Leonie, Mark, Max, Lucas, Neil, Catherine, Rebekah, Sophie, Issy, Valerie, Jamie, Robin, Graeme and Gregor.  [Editor: If I have missed out anyone, please let me know!]

If it’s too quiet now, the Cubs will just have to practice louder Grand Howls!


Report from one of our young helpers (Jamie, Cub aged 8)

Why did we build the panels?: “Because the hall was really echoey and it was giving us headaches!”

What jobs did you do?: “Completing the panels, sticking the blocks of wood on, drilling the brackets, tying the ropes and cleaning up”

What was different when we finished?: “There is hardly any echo at all now!”

What did you enjoy most?: “Learning a new knot! The round turn and 2 half hitches”

Do you think that the hall is better now?: “Yes, a lot better. It’s nothing like it was before.”





Now hear this!

Please help to make the HQ sound better by coming to a work weekend on 8th and 9th February.

If you have ever tried to hold a conversation in our hall, you will know that it can be difficult.   The echo is so strong that hearing anything is a challenge.  Now, imagine what it sounds like with 20 excited Cubs running around.

Fortunately, we have a plan!  We will build some sound-absorbing panels and mount them on the walls and ceiling.  This will massively reduce the echo and make the hall a much more pleasant place.

hall panels

We aim to build around 35 panels, each one consisting of a wooden frame and a sheet of rockwool insulation, covered in fire-retardant fabric.  The design is simple and easy to construct, but the effect will be massive.

The production will need people to cut, glue, staple, assemble, cover, drill, climb, hang and applaud. It is likely that any Scouts who fancy using some tools to do something worthwhile will receive credit towards a badge or two.  And it should be fun for parents too!

If you can come along and help on either the 8th or 9th, please pop an email to Colin.


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Treasurer needed

Fancy looking after the gold? This is an opportunity for someone who’d prefer not to get involved with the weekly meetings to make a real contribution to the running of the group. The systems are all in place, accounts have been filed for the last year and everything is in order, we (ie the kids) just need someone to keep it in order. Basic numeracy and an attention to detail are all that is required. Please let us know if you can help.
I’ve only recently learnt of the history of scouting. Most know the story of Baden-Powell a treasurenational hero after the siege of Mafeking who was persuaded to rewrite his scouting manual for a younger audience. I hadn’t realised what came next. “Scouting for boys” was published in fortnightly instalments, much like a comic, and was enormously successful. Groups of boys organised themselves into troops, and only later started recruiting adults to help them pursue the game of scouting. Baden-Powell hadn’t any intention of founding an organisation, hoping his book would be picked up by existing organisations, but soon realised that the adults being recruited required training. Thus was born the scout association. In 100 years very little has changed, the organisation still exists to support adults to enable young people to pursue the aims of scouting.



Do you spark?

Calling all parents: do you know what the 17th edition is?  If so, we want to hear from you!

The HQ gets pretty chilly in the winter.  Just think of all those poor shivering Beavers.
Now, we have a plan.
We’re going to buy some heaters for the hall….big ones.consort-heatzone
They will need wiring in properly, so we need an electrician and some willing volunteers to mount the heaters, run cables and install according to the regulations.
If you can help, please contact our GSL, Colin

New Website

Welcome to our new website. The 12th Cambridge Scout Group is one of the oldest in the county, and celebrated it’s 100 year anniversary in 2011.

We have very active Scout, Cub and Beaver sections, providing scouting to over 70 young people in the West Chesterton area of Cambridge. This is the place to find out about what they’re all doing.